Welcome to the learning event generator (LEG)
This is the place where all the "legwork" goes on to build the lists and ideas that drive the various learning event generators.
If you are new to the LEG click here to see a simple version. If you want to see what else we do like our Outdoor Learning Adventures and the Learning Score go here to visit Davitt Learning
If you have been at a workshop with John in 2017and he forgot to give a link or a pointer to a resource or an idea he mentioned he is committed to gathering all links here
The idea for the LEG ©DavittMedia came out of desire to nudge learners (and teachers) and also to give them permission to move beyond the "comfort zone" of talk-look-listen-write and allow them instead to move across a whole chessboard of learning opportunities. Get started now by browsing and adding to the Do List- the imperative that is at the heart of the active learning approaches that the LEG champions. After that you might want to pop by and see what you think of the As List - again leave some ideas if you can. If you are a guest visitor please leave a name or a nickname along with a comment so we know who to thank as the list grows.
- Latest version in June 2011 features a type your own Do option ...find it here
STOP Press
Many thanks to Catherine Moore at Sheffield South CLC in the UK for an editable primary version of the Generator with lovely colour spinning wheel and sound - ideal for short starter activities. You can type in your own subject in the Do pot and run it online or email
Catherine for your own downloadable version - Also thanks to Richard Clarke who has adapted the LEG to run as an Excel Spreadsheet you can download and edit your own lists
Recently Launched.. the
homework self-medicator - Teacher too busy to set homework? no worries send them here and they can generate their own learning challenge
Also we've just completed a PowerPoint shell for the Learning Event Generator, (see also Paul Haigh below) download your own copy or email me for a copy and then just edit the master slide to change the DO part of the challenge. A lovely example of using the LEG to focus students attention on a topical event comes from David Rogers The Copenhagen Summit Thanks to Georgina Black Gordonstoun who sent three "As" ideas along with a request for her own editable LEG :)
Coming Soon
A Geography special version of the LEG in editable Excel from Alan Parkinson / and a way of using PowerPoint from Paul Haigh just let the "Do" ideas flow by a PowerPoint slide read more here
I thought the best way forward for the learning event generator would be to set up this simple wiki and invite all those interested in developing the generator to join in. Here we can add our ideas to a growing (and increasingly hyperlinked) set of lists. I also want to close the loop by feeding back examples of work the LEG has provoked - if you have a piece of work that you would like featured upload it to this page.
What's more you can take away the ideas that chime with you and paste them into our own custom generator(soon I'll set up a download page - until then email me for your copy). Get started now by browsing and adding to the Do List
- the imperative that is at the heart of the active learning approaches that the LEG champions. After that you might want to pop by and see what you think of the
As List - again leave some ideas if you can. If you are a guest visitor please leave a name or a nickname along with a comment so we know who to thank as the list grows.
The classic generator runs on the command do....something...as ...something and these two lists are available and editable by you on this wiki. Soon we will add lists for specific subjects and activities. The embryonic Event Generator Green for example runs on the commands Do.......While.
Rio Resources
Gold Parties
The plan is soon to make an online generator that you can load yourself with ideas from the lists as well as elsewhere. Also beginning to realise that it's the small and subtle generators that people are making that have as much or even more to offer than one massive million options at a click dream! My thoughts at the moment is ...lets have both. For the As pot why not have a collection of "homages" ...Tom & Jerry...
Many thanks all
Finally I want to try and keep track of contributiors as the project grows so please edit yourself in here if you are missing (or remove yourself if you seek anonymity! or email me below and I'll do either for you. Thanks again to
Angela Davitt, Eliza Mountford, Steve Duffy, Virginia Schonwald, Eveleyn Wassel, Reshan Richards, Rick Tanski, Valerie Becker, Mary Hamilton, David Solon, Bradley Bergey,Melinda Shaum, Richard Millwood, Gill Kelly, Andrés A. Richner-Maldonado, Samantha Thom, Dave Garland Ewan M, Charlene Chausis, Jonathan Furness, Michael Purdy and Merlin John who have given lots of good ideas to get us this far. If we can get 1000 options in either box by Christmas 08 the LEG will generate a million different learning events - here's hoping. Coming soon infant and junior graphical generators with extra guidance
Click here to send me an email More about John Davitt here

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Nightmare on Elm Street
Check Out Another Wiki! I figured that since I help keep this wiki "safe" it'd be okay to link to mine.
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