
Provocation Pot - Issues arising, pedagogy, principles and plain old ideas

Page history last edited by bradleyb 16 years, 3 months ago

This is our sound off  page  - where we try to get to the nub of what works and why and what we might do with these lists and approaches and also what doesn't work and why. 

It's also a place to share what we found out whilst we were just having a play!



What are the useful things about the LEG project?




What do we need to do to make the most of the opportunity?



How can we make the contributions and the tasks truly international - they are very UK/USA at present?





What are the dangers / weaknesses ?

Geoff Dellow via email


"Still can't find it stimulating as what is thrown up by the Flash so rarely makes any sense/registers as interesting .
I can see this working if the choices were restricted then putting two ideas together could be within the realm of being 'interesting'.
This is like brainstorming but here you have the buzz of a group of active minds dealing with ideas that though 'off the wall' do make some sense !

This is the crucial thing - what comes up needs to be just within the realm of credibility. "





What other help can we recruit?



Some random thoughts  &  comments... please add your own below


I enjoy the contradictory focus of disjuncture

How can there be a neutral liberating  freedom provided by compulsion - but there is? Especially for left handed boys who won't sit still or be told what to do!

I like the chance it provides  to enter into  a bit of learning at random and from there connect outwards that opportunity  is a bit  of rare and precious these days.

With hypertext we can make the do and the as columns instructional opportunities

Maybe this is the antithesis of curriculum or perhaps it is just a  path to same destination?

Works great as review game (select a set of topics and randomly match them with the AS column.  As part of the game, each pair of students got to choose if they "kept" the first AS idea that was generated or to gamble on the second, which they would have to do.


Comments (5)

Geoff Dellow said

at 7:02 am on Oct 10, 2008

Still can't find it stimulating as what is thrown up by the Flash random selection of ideas, so rarely makes any sense/registers as interesting .

I can see this working if the choices were restricted then putting two ideas together could be within the realm of being plausible and 'interesting'.

This is like brainstorming but here you have the buzz of a group of active minds dealing with ideas that though 'off the wall' do make some sense !

This is the crucial thing - what comes up needs to be just within the realm of credibility.

Make sense?

The way that I have found that stimulates creative ideas is best done in groups where one can free up the way one looks at things. Showing from the front that the outrageous idea is acceptable encourages us to 'have a go' !

Attempting to do this with a one to nothing (the computer) is extremely difficult.

Geoff Dellow

John Davitt said

at 8:42 am on Oct 10, 2008

Hi Geoff - I agree context is critical in fact I think of the LEG mainly as a social / group tool - when Iv'e used it recently it's been with audiences of 40 / 150 sitting in table groups and they take on the event as a challenge. I've also found that when the event is beyond the realm of credibility people sometimes give up or (more usually) surprise themselves (and me) with some fresh creative thought. Timescale is also interesting - some of the best work has literally happened in 11 mins J

Bob Greenberg said

at 7:48 pm on Nov 2, 2008

As a classroom teacher this would work better/be more helpful if "The Do Pot" was limited to certain categories, math, science etc. It might be better if studying the elections in the USA, for example, to be able to limit "The Do Pot" to that area. I guess what I'm asking is could we choose a Random Generator for different age and subject levels?

John Davitt said

at 2:34 pm on Nov 4, 2008

Hi Bob I think that's what we'll have to work towards I've started a junior / senior science as separate subsets but I don't want to loose that mad challenge of being confronted by a challenge off the wall out of your age range and beyond your understanding and yet still managing it as part of a group. Perhaps we need both and we need to have a warning " best carried out as part of a group" I'm currently working on a homework generator a modified as pot so that you can give students the subject and let them choose the activity/output what do you think?

davegarland said

at 12:30 am on Nov 24, 2008

I wonder if a "with" or a "for" pot might be logical evolutionary steps?

Do "the lifecyle of a frog " As a "SMS message" FOR "The President" etc or would that limit it too much ?? idea of the sense of audeince

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