
Rio  Resources

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Saved by John Davitt
on March 24, 2017 at 6:59:33 pm

To contribute your idea that you are prepared to share  to the school of the moment go here


To add your thoughts and ask questions to todaysmeet go here - Remember to post your groups reflections here after the Learning Challenge


I spoke about the need to give permission and acknowledge difference - workshops work when we are prepared to share, listen  and learn together. 




Anyhow as promised some links to the ideas we mentioned during the keynote and the workshops


Buy the iPhone Learning Event Generator app here . An online Learning Event Generator is here  


List of different ways to show what you know is here - will be larger than normal for next few days


The Learning Score... my timeline tool for lesson planning is here  just for this CESI group use this link to download the program in the next two weeks - email me at johndavitt@mac.com to let me know you want to be part of the development trial - where you send me feedback / reflections and I get you access to the latest versions.


My Blog is here with details of 4 word feedback and notebook scanning 


Classtools.net  choose a subject / name at random - great for a bit of constraint and fear


Scratch, where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community, is available as a free download here.


How to use the four word feedback formative assessment grid and links to the word lists on line


Minificates details of how to use and download a PDF  here


Find out what QR code readers are available for your phone here


Make your own QR code here


http://www.meetup.com  a place to find interesting groups that are meeting in your area  


Managing data & the evidence Olympics

a new skill – providing graphical  evidence
Professor  Rosling in action
get the resources at google refine
data wrangler
Google fusion tables



John's Presentation notes and links


The conference also marked the lauch of John's Freelearning Creativity Matrix



ICT in the classroom

We built a  school
of our collective wisdom using a siple Google form and got 40 entries in 30 minutes   www.bit.ly/ididwell
We shared a small idea/skill that had a powerful result 
It is ephemeral-will only last a few more days
See the group wisdom at www.bit.ly/schoolofthemoment

First iterations of new tech are usually feudal
How do you like your..toast?
we looked at the sensory matrix 
for content & activity 


Free sound editor lets learners see their voices and music as a wave form that they can edit and multiple tracks can be recorded
You also need the lame driver a free file leame _enc.dll that lets Audacity export MP3 files


Summary of my last slides....

Build for the future..
no one device – organic?
ebb & flow  fonts
Every school a TV station? Lid Zone 
Embrace the “age of agility” twitteresque cpd
Walk many paths even the 10 cent curriculum
Celebrate your own learning curve ? 
Open the bandwidth of talents
Think broad & innovate Skype tutorial / subject tweet
Prepare for Internet of things & tablets

So…Time for.. Gov translation
Making things
Telling stories
How can new tools help us amplify, extend and share? Faultline of formal>social
Tweak our vocab of expectation
Creativity & constraint leg et al 
Otherwise history will say ‘’they had what tools..they did what with them?”

Get ready for outdoor learning 
& the internet of things 

 Possible follow ups to John’s session
Formative feedback via voucher
Keep your own slant on new tools
Explore role of sound & film &*(audacity & commoncraft style approaches)
Elevate activity design to an art formExplore active learning props like the Learning Event Generator   Trial use of tools like Learning Score for group lesson design
Celebrate different talents
Touchatag for RFID

Silos of content 
await the orchestra* of activity



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